The cooler weather has returned and it is very overcast with the threat of storms. I really don’t need any more email telling me it’s 80 degrees where you are (you know who you are 🙂 Things are starting hop now and there is no end to the work that needs to be done. It looks like the weather is just not cooperating this week for polish work although compounding doesn’t care what the weather is. This will keep the polish crew going.
We also had water problems yesterday when the water pump for the marina went south. The unit is OLD and the original part is not available but the local plumbing shop is sourcing a replacement out for us. This not only puts an end to boat washing but has forced us to bring in creek water by the bucket to flush the johns. Hope this gets fixed today!
And speaking of no end in sight, the varnish work just keeps coming in. Fortunately, Isai has been a godsend to Jen as far as the prep work needed to get the “perfect job”.

We are building a mock up for a shipping cradle on the Beneteau. The final product will be made out of steel but it is a bit easier to work it up in wood first to make sure everything is right before paying an outside contractor to fabricate the cradle.

On the keel bolt project we had to make the leap to get to the rest of the bolts. The first step was to remove the hatch over head to lift the engine. This was not as easy as you would think since it was put down with the permanent adhesive – 3M 5200.

Now all the wiring and hoses need to be disconnected as well as the drive train in order to lift the engine.