Whoa, it’s a gonna be a hot one today! Heat index predicted at 115 degrees and the crew is already
anticipating misery for the afternoon. And we thought yesterday was hot. We have entered two air conditioner mode in the office so they will have a place to cool off occasionally. By next week we can relax a bit and take stock of what is going on with other pending work.
We had two guys working on stripping the arms on the davit system for the Eastbay. We suspect they were powder coated but the paint had failed in any case so we needed to start again tabla rosa.
This took most of the day from start to finish.

Kevin is starting the paint process this morning so we wrapped the bare metal in plastic in the office to
keep the humidity from attacking the surface in the interim.

The electronics guys made great strides yesterday and got all the antennas installed and the wiring in.
Installing the instruments themselves is the smallest part of the project. And since they get installed last it gave more time to get the varnish built up on the face of the himalaya.

This boat had a cracked mast head light globe. Aqua Signal, perhaps in
an endeavor to maximize profits, does not make replacement lens for their lights so we had to buy a new one. This lights now come with white base and top which actually looks quite nice on the mast so there was a small upside to the replacement.