I always consider Oct. 1 to be the official beginning of fall here in the yard – or damned closed to it. We have had Adam (no longer here) servicing the travel lifts to be prepared for the onslaught of haul outs.
And of course, the work continues on the Eastbay 38, although an end is in sight now. By the time the windows arrive, the bulk of the work should be done. Sammy (no longer here) stayed late last night to prime all the new work and plans on top coating tonight.
Jim (no longer here) got the stringers up that the headliner will be attached to. These panels will be going up this morning – tomorrow with new paint and headliner up, this boat will start to look done.
If you have tried calling our Oxford office, you may get us here at the yard. Rob (no longer here) is spending a lot of time over here and has the phones on call forwarding most days. If you are looking for Rob, you can probably reach him at either number.
Back To The Present – Pit Update Justin was just finishing the forms for the pit now and I believe the concrete is supposed to be on order. I was asking a lot of questions because I have never been exposed to this kind of work before.