Well it seems cold enough to snow and is supposed to tonight. I actually added a weather widget to the right sidebar so everyone can see that my whining is justified 🙂
Everyone has gone over to Oxford to finish up the boat they were working on yesterday and do some shop clean up. Kevin and Rumsey got the swim platform almost installed. They were going to finish this morning but I guess it will happen later in the day. I missed one good photo op on that job. In order to install the angle brackets they would have had to remove the water heater which was located in the way. Instead, they fabricated a long extension to a wrench and were able to work it from the side. That would have been a good shot!
Jen is varnishing the trim on the Bristol Skiff dash. We have limited heat in the paint tent at this time but Epiphanes has an accelerator that helps kick the varnish at a normal rate in colder weather.
Varnishing the dash
Swim platform brackets
While it is slack over here, I will continue with some education items. We try to stick to ABYC standards when we upgrade boats and have sent several of our staff to ABYC seminars and classes. Although it is hard to find ABYC standards online without shelling out some dough, I have located some that are available to the public.
Boatowner’s Illustrated Electrical Handbook
“Boatowner’s Illustrated Electrical Handbook is perfect for learning how your boat’s electrical system and much of its equipment works, and it will be an invaluable guide when adding equipment as well. This book needs to be in every boater’s library as a ready reference on how to make effective repairs and modifications that comply with ABYC standards.”—Ed Sherman, Senior Instructor and Curriculum Designer, American Boat and Yacht Council
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"We want to thank John and Oxford Yacht for making our stay so pleasant, for your advice, and your patience. We will recommend OYA as we travel. Thanks again for all your help."
- Bill & Kay
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