Hopefully this will be the last in a long line of dreary, wet, dismal days. We do have
TrappeToberfest coming up this weekend and the cooler weather should prove to make it a good time –
good food, good music and just general hob-nobbing. I even have some personal projects for sale at my son’s booth (he makes jewelery and wrought iron art).
I didn’t get away from my desk very much yesterday so I don’t have much to offer in the way of new photos. We have another brokerage boat with a survey list we are trying to knock out. We also had a bit of painting to do on the engines.

We took care of almost everything on the survey list. Although most of it was small stuff, a long list is scary to a potential buyer although most do expect to see a few items.

We had someone call us asking us to make a transom step. It just so happens that we had one laying around. It is surprising what we find sometimes!