We had wee little rain drops this morning and do have a 40% chance of thunderstorms and for the rest of the week but still cool temperatures today which makes everyone happy. It does look the temps will be
climbing back to the upper 80’s over the weekend.
We have one regular customer who always has CAT do his service work and had a major problem which requires removing the engine. Since he is a regular we are squeezing in a
soft patch removal in the helm area so they will be able to get the engine out.

We are also
running a rally on getting all the hardware back on the Eastbay 43. Now that the varnish has been sufficiently built, it is time to put stanchions, pulpits, etc. back on. Also backup plates and dingy lift is slated for installation today. It should be busy.

On the Albin that is going to settlement tomorrow we had one little task left. The owner is keeping the name but changing the hailing port. The letters were stick on type but we still had to compound out the
shadow left by the fading gelcoat around the letters.