The cold from yesterday has decided to hang around – with a predicted high of 30 for today. This means my whining is justifiable. I’m surprised I came to work today. I can almost see why older people (like me) move to Florida! We are experiencing lower than normal tides this week. This photo was taken right after high tide yesterday.

And here is what it looks like this morning. Notice the ice on the water (in both photos). There are also a few remnants of the snow we had earlier in the week. We have about 3 sailboats waiting to get hauled as soon as we can move them through the mud to the lift slip.

We did have 2 boats come in yesterday – breaking ice all the way down the creek of course. Luckily it is only a thick skim and not full blown ice. The trawler owner wasn’t complaining about the cold but I imagine the one on the sailboat had a cold ride!

We got the new injectors installed in the Cummins engine yesterday. Pat was putting Nev’r-Seize on the bodies before putting the sleeves on and reports this is a good way to keep it together until you get it installed.

I thought I was being clever. I got this new Iphone on black Friday and was going to post a video of the engine running on the cradle. Looks fine on the phone, fine on my computer, but when I insert it in the blog, it rotates it. I have since learned that you have to take the movie with the phone in landscape mode by turning it sideways before shooting. Duh! If you really want to watch the movie just lay your head down on the desk and relax.
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I was talking to a customer yesterday who said he hadn’t seen his boat in the blog yet. I warned him that most of the time you see your boat here it is costing you money since we normally post work in progress — but here is a freebie for you Art! (notice the buy me a cup of coffee link on the right?)