We will be closed tomorrow for all intents and purposes — except for me of course. I’ll be in most of the morning. John is off to the races but I’m sure I’ll hear something from him today. We are in full gear getting boats ready for the shows. You won’t see me there however. I’d rather be brutally beat with a brick than go to an event which is that crowded.
We got the insulation almost done on the generator cover on the Eastbay 49. That one will be in the Annapolis show so we have a few more weeks on that one.

The first coat of varnish in on the Bristol Skiff now. I hope this will be on display in front of the Oxford office since it is too nice a boat to be stuck back in a building. Someone needs to be using it.

The floor is all put together in the helm area of the Legacy. The floor is now fastened down and the hatches are reattached. The floor is as stiff as it needs to be to avoid any fracturing in the future and the vibration and noise should be gone. With the floor bolted in place we were able to reinstall the seat modules.

Before taking the boat back to Oxford today we just had some last minute tweaks – such as getting the anchor light working.

While looking at this job, I happened to notice some potential repair work on another boat tied up nearby. This doesn’t look too strong! I wonder if this boat took on any water in that torrential downpour the other day?