With no one working on Friday and today being clean up from boat show madness, I don’t have much but I do have some content.
If you know someone looking for a sweet
GB32, this would be the one — as it sat at the GB Owner’s Rendezvous. By the way, no one who attended the Rendezvous has seen fit to share any info so if you were there, fess up.
Addendum to prior post — this is the nice little sink we did for the GB46 a few weeks ago. I found some photos on John’s camera. It looks like we could make these as a module and sell them.

Pit Update — Justin is finishing up the forms for the wall this morning and I can assume the concrete truck will be here one day this week.
From The DIY Guy
Recommended by Apple. Gooseneck iPad holder with Nobeltec app loaded. This puts everything within reach of the helm!
Weekend Shop Update
My shop time was limited but I had a chuck of that nice spalted maple that I wanted to make something out of for my son’s new gal who has a birthday coming up. I couldn’t put it up on my personal blog because she may see it. I still am planning on making a lid for this. This was a lot of sanding — up to 1000 grit!