I hope everyone had a good weekend. Personally I got a bit too much sun but my tan is looking good! Everyone found themselves back into work today after an unauthorized day off Friday. If you ask, they can say no – it’s much easier to apologize afterwords.
We started out with a haul out and I understand that John was the one to do the hauling — I guess to hit the tide right.

We also spent a bit of time getting the lawn mower running since we now have the yard guys freed up to take on some of the grooming responsibilities — which is a heck of a lot cheaper than paying a company to do it for us.

We are finishing up the Legacy today (finally). We have been been juggling so many jobs we need to make sure we give everyone some attention. The rub rail on the Legacy was on dry but we are putting on the sealant today.

We also put the rails on this morning (see them above). They were stored screwed to some boards to ensure they didn’t get bent. It didn’t take a lot of time to put these up on the boat and get them bedded down.

I can’t figure this out — since we have had so much rain, why would Izzy be watering and an even better question is why would be be
watering the weeds?