We are down one more today — Kevin left for Alaska over the weekend and with Willy and Rumsey out one more week we have a real limited attendance day. Two guys are over in Oxford and the other three are preparing to bore you to tears with today’s blog.
We did gain a new reader last week. I can tell in my statistics when someone finds the blog and reads a lot of postings by the high spikes in the graph. We probably won’t pick up any new readers as a result of this post.

And now for the afore-promised boredom. Carlos and Izzy are still compounding and polishing. As I was taking photos this morning I did happen to notice some stains on the hull and one missing clamshell vent. I haven’t found a boat out there yet that I can’t find at least a couple of things wrong with just a cursory glance — and even more if I delve deeply.

And if that wasn’t boring enough for you, Angus is back on wet sanding today. But they did get the primer on for the boot top on Friday before Kevin left.

So today Angus is back on wet sanding that primer — as if he didn’t get enough sanding last week. He did get a break Friday afternoon when he went over to Oxford in the afternoon to help Pat trace some wiring. He’d be hard to recognize without a piece of sandpaper or brush in his hand.

I’ll try to do better tomorrow but there just wasn’t much to offer today. I did come across my old camera and almost donated to the shop to get photos when they work over in Oxford but I decided to take it home to my shop so I could get project shots there instead. How rude!