It was a beautiful weekend and we even had a bit of desperately needed rain Saturday night — which made Sunday a bit cooler and pleasant. It was tough to pull myself back in here today. This time of year I need a vacation so badly that my mood declines with each passing day. We are going to
Chincoteague again this year and have a house rented for the last week in August and could have saved a lot if we had waited until after Labor Day — but that wouldn’t be a summer vacation, would it?
Friday most people left at noon and I even sneaked out at about 4:15 because that’s usually the time a rally needs to be run. They did get the scaffolding up around the Navy 44 which is getting the paint job. I read on a time sheet that it actually spelled “scrafull” – my bad.

We got the cabin top painted on Friday morning first thing. It turned out very nice with just enough non-skid — which is quite a bit different than any other GB I have seen in here.

The 2 guys who stayed on Friday finally got the power pedestal finished. I’m glad we don’t do this for a living or we’d all starve — it seemed to take forever to get this job done and a slew of man hours.

We started off the day hauling a 49′ Eastbay. Not sure why, there doesn’t seem to be a work order but I seem to still be on a need to know basis.

We pulled a piling last week to accommodate a large catamaran that’s staying for a
whole month. If you know anyone who needs a 30′ wide slip, we’ll have one.

Today we are back on the bow thruster and plan to get the tube done by tomorrow. We had planned to do this on Friday morning but the varnish crew put a fresh coat on the boat right next to this one and the grinding would have ruined that. It’s highly organized back there.