More overcast weather lasting at least until Thursday. So much for sunny bright photos for the blog. I ended up taking a rare half day on Friday so I don’t have many photos anyway.
We have a boat over in Oxford at the docks that came in for some varnish work and engine maintenance on their way south so some of our people will be over there for a few days. We have a couple of boats that are done for the season so we might go ahead and winterize those to beat the fall rush that is inevitable.
The fuel tank job is the focus today (and probably all week). The port tank has been slid out now and we are just waiting for the plasma cutter (who works his own schedule!)

They made a simple tank mock up to try sliding in place before finalizing the tank dimensions to the metal fabricator. This much cheaper than finding a glitch after the tank is fabricated. Of course we won’t be able to slide it in until the old tanks are removed.