Bright and sunny today. We have a couple of boats coming in this morning (the Lyman Morse 37 just arrived a minute ago) and several more in progress. Half the crew is in Oxford today working on the Burger so we won’t get as much done over here as I had anticipated.

We still have a bit of service work going on despite being in the midst of winter haul outs and winterizing. The owner of this Sea Ray would like the engine fixed before we put it into storage. Tom found the alternator had seized up which led to a few other problems.

There is easy access to the engines on this boat.

Most boats get a light wash before storage but this one got a real good bath yesterday — the owner didn’t want any salt left on it and we were more than happy to oblige!

We got the prop back on the Eastbay and I understand the captain left with the boat early this morning. Putting props on is easier if we back the boat up to the bulkhead where you can stand up and work!
Mid-Week Pick Me Up (haven’t had one for a while)