It’s all about TrawlerFest and we are going in full frenzy mode today. Lots of details to attend to and only a short time to complete them all. Still, moods seem to be pretty good and as I predicted last week — the drama level is at an all time low.
I wanted to show you first how nice the gel repair turned out on the 42. The color match was spot on.

The green tint (if you can see it) is the PVA which is put on after spraying gel coat. It neutralizes the “stickiness” and aids in sanding. This area looks better now than the freshly compounded hull but not noticeably so.

We are also putting all new filters on the engines and generator. All the fuel lines and other hoses were checked out during the tank replacement job.

We also discovered that the Racor bowls had not been cleaned for years. You know that they have transparent bowls for a reason. This filter below actually had fuel chunks in it – a new one on us! (sorry about the photo quality)

We found a broken plastic hinge on the forward window which had to be replaced. While the window was off was the perfect time to get some paint on the inside, the outsides had been done with the window painting job.

On one of the other boats going to the show there was a dark spot in the door panel which was the result of an old leak. I thought it may have been fruitless to try to fix that but we had to try. Sometimes the black gets so far down in the wood it is impossible to get out.
Mid-Week Pick Me Up
And the
number 1 reason to attend any boat show: