Another hot day here in
paradise and we have a full complement of employees today – and it’s a good thing because there is a lot of work to do right now. Just when we start feeling a bit complacent more work just pops up – whether it be repairs to boats that have plans or people who want something upgraded before the fall (and cooler weather) arrives. It’s the stuff that boatyards thrive on.
We are preparing to install a bow thruster in a Bristol 42 trawler that the client just acquired. The dilemma is whether to go with a 10″ tube for maximum thrust or the smaller tube that will be much easier to fit into the boat. The general consensus is that you will be using the bow thruster primarily when conditions are at their worse and that’s when you need the extra power. That is still up in the air until probably lunch time when we have to get the parts on order.

They wanted to get the Legacy outside to get it cleaned up before painting but we had dozer problems. Willy was able to troubleshoot it enough to get it running.

They did that boat’s deck primed yesterday and it is ready to roll.

Today they are starting off the day with a light sanding of the primer and will be rolling on the top coat by lunch time. After a day of curing we should be able to start the reassembly of the boat.

Our regular surveyor stopped by yesterday to do an insurance survey for a boat that was recently launched. This was the boat that was mildew covered and had been sitting for years. So far, the boat’s survey is going pretty good.

Carlos thought he would try his hand at fiberglass work – it must be easy, right? He learned why you don’t do fiberglass work out in the sun when the temperatures are in the 90’s. Not sure if he actually learned anything else.

As a follow up, the customer who was working on his stuffing box was lamenting that he could not find the little elbow that goes to the water line. The fitting is 5/8 flare to 3/8 pipe. If you need one, I got his at
McMaster Carr – of course.