The only unlucky thing about this 13th is the amount of impossible work to be done. Too many deliveries in a short time span makes for a stressful work force and ample opportunities to miss stuff. With this many boats on the property and such a short window it is almost impossible to please everyone. We have been very accommodating by moving boats to get to others just to make delivery schedules but everytime we do that we get a little further behind as it eats up man power that could be devoted to doing the actual work. But we try.
Lots of photos today since I wanted to go outside and experience the beautiful weather that has already started today. This Eastbay 38 is down to the polish job and a bit more deck repair work before delivery.

This was a recent purchase for the owner and Morton signs came by to put a new name on it yesterday. The lighting was pretty crappy but the lettering is spot on.

Right next door we put the boom on the GB46 with our new hoist system. We were apprehensive about taking the dingy all the way up over concrete so we raised it a couple of feet and left it hang all day. It’s going to work fine and is easier to operate than our prior design.

The owner hired us to assist with one window track replacement so he could do the rest of them when he gets the boat home. It is a very long drive for him and the first time he came in this week he had forgotten the frame and had to drive 5 hours round trip to finish the job. Sounds like something I would do.

On the same boat you can see the U-line icemaker we installed earlier this week. We do have one more in stock right now if you need one.

I also noticed while getting up on the boat to get this photo that they had repainted the trim tab cylinders. I thought the owner had put new ones on because they looked so good!

I had showed the inside of the doors on that 46 where the owner had installed real teak instead of the formica his boat had and we sold a set as a result of that posting. They are sitting in my office and should be getting some satin varnish over the gloss in time to get on the boat late today.

Some of the things we found during commissioning yesterday – One owner asked us to “check his impellers”. I can believe this boat was pumping water or that it was not running hot.

And on another boat I have a hard time believing this generator was running. It had to be fuel starved.
Anything Can Happen On Friday 13th
If you google Friday 13th you will find so many different reasons why it is considered a day of bad luck that compiling them would take a scholar a decade to do. Read a bit about the history of the F13 myths at the
National Geographic website.
Friday the 13th Anecdotes:

• In 1913, a New York pastor tried to assuage couples’ fears by offering to marry them for free on Friday the 13th.
• In 1939, a small town in Indiana forced all black cats to wear bells on Friday, Oct. 13. When the measure seemed to work (nothing bad happened, at any rate), the town continued the practice for the next three years.
• At the time, Oct. 13, 1989, was the second largest drop of the Dow in history. Nicknamed the Friday-the-13th mini-crash, these days it’s not even in the top 10. That might be the scariest fact of all.
On the other hand I believe it is deemed good luck to buy a boat on Friday the 13th – give us a call 🙂