Sunny, breezy and just a bit nippy. Of course, it’s Friday so I must be here basically alone. I
assume by next week everyone will be working Fridays again. I
will be out of here at noon today. Is looking at winterizing and hauling posts boring? I think yes, so not too many photos of that. I do have Carlos covering the engine room vents. We use a product that is used to protect glass and is self-adhering and leaves no residue. It also stays on all winter and I’ve never seen any come off on it’s own.

And just to show we are putting boats inside daily, here is one we did Wednesday afternoon.
Boat Profile
We see so many “standard” boats – Grand Banks, Eastbays, Sabreliners, and the like that I almost forgot that there are boats with real character all around us. The owner of this
Cheoy Lee PT Trawler has taken a boat that was already pretty unique and is adding so many personal touches that there will be no other boat like it out there.
That’s when people know you love your boat!
He pulled the typical 3-burner stove with oven out and put in a convection oven below a two-burner stove. You can’t see it here but the oven has a control wedge that puts the controls facing up so he can operate it without bending down. The inside of that area that looks like teak is actually tile – in pieces so big it is seamless. He also custom made a cutting board that covers the whole area.

Above that is the neatest microwave I have ever seen. His wife thinks it should be called the Studebaker. Also notice that there was a massive dash area ahead that was virtually useless since you couldn’t reach anything forward. He built in a little shelf that flattened out the camber here to make this a useful space. It blends well. (The trim shows the actual camber there)

The guest stateroom was converted to an office. He does have a bunk he can slide into place if he decides to bring guests with them (he seldom does!) This was an antique desk he picked up and adjusted to fit the available space. Also notice that below that he used laminate flooring from a home improvement store which looks great in the boat. Not teak of course, but how much teak do you need in one boat?

Here is a better look at the flooring. You can’t see much of the small single-seater settee he built in to the right. He actually had the original berth cushions cut to make the seat and back but they can still be laid out on the removable berth should he decide to use it. He says this is the perfect get away to sit and read. Plus the little desk seat becomes a foot rest.

Also picked up at the antique (junktique?) store was a nice magazine rack that just fit the angled corner of the office.

There a lot of other unique touches to this boat — all done in the first year of ownership. He plans many more in the coming year and I can’t wait to see. This feature was actually put on by a previous owner but it looks more substantial (and different) than standard stainless bimini rails.