We made it to another Friday somehow. John is headed over to the owner’s rendezvous later but we are all on task getting Trawlerfest boats ready. We also had some other small jobs to take care of such as a seacock replacement on a 28 footer. This was a quick swap in and out and for once nothing else seemed to hamper the job.

Carlos did a job great compounding the
Albin. If you remember earlier this week I show him removing the cloud from the gelcoat. Here is his finished product. He was quite proud with good reason! We are so pleased with the polish we use that I made little sample bottles and put them in the Rendezvous goodie bags so if you are planning to attend you’ll find a little something from us!

The varnish work should be done and the boat put back together by Monday. These guys work over the weekend so I won’t be getting any photos of putting the rails back on unless they run late. You can bet you won’t see me on the weekend (unless you are in Lowes) — I’m a bit of a homebody.
The Pit Update
Justin is forming up for the walls now. I understand he has quite the background in this type of work – masonry, brickwork, etc. as well as having many other skills we may be able to take advantage of later. I missed my opportunity to write my name in the cement — I guess I could get the Dremel out. (If you haven’t guessed, the bucket was in there to create a little sump well to collect any leakage.)
Anything Can Happen Friday