I was actually a bit chilly this morning (and had my heat on in the car) but it should be a beautiful late summer day. I did turn off the air conditioning in the office yesterday because it was just using electric for no particular reason. We have a few projects going on right now but nothing all that interesting. I showed you some slimed up outdrives yesterday and here they are all cleaned up and painted.

The door got finished for the area next to the flybridge refrigerator on the GB46. They went over to Oxford today but I don’t think they remembered to take it with them to install.

The same boat had wine racks that the new owners didn’t really want so we removed them and are installing shelves in that area. We whipped these up out of some teak plywood and some GB trim we had back in the lumber area.

On the Albin 28 that sold recently the surveyor noted the bilge pumps were not deep enough in the bilge so we build brackets that allow them to be dropped to the deepest sections of the bilges.
From The Woodshop
I broke a bowl I was turning out of some nice fruit wood. I didn’t want to toss it so I cut out the break on the bandsaw and glued in a piece of walnut. Due to some faulty thinking, I didn’t make it big enough so the bowl turned out really thin — which is not all that bad, just not what I planned. It could have been aligned better but there was no way to clamp it properly since the bowl was already turned.