We are in for some heavy rain over the weekend but not today. I am excited about the rain though because I just put a new tin roof on my workshop and am eager to find out if it leaks. If you were planning on boating this week end you may want to adjust your plans.
I picked up the glass for the center windshield for the Eastbay yesterday. Of course I had to ride right by the liquor store on my way back in case anyone was wondering why I volunteered to pick up parts.

With the glass in, there is still a lot of sealing, filling of holes, painting and adding the gasket before we get this into the boat later today. One day earlier would have been better.

The same boat just got new props so it was easier to coat them off the boat before installing. If you keep you boat at a lesser marina ask them to use Pettit 1792 Barnacle Coat on your props. You’ll be glad you did!

A word about varnish repairs – a lot of time we have to scrape repairs back to bare wood to get rid of dead product. When you do this, you have to build the repair back up to 6-8 coats or that area will just burn through again. That not only means multiple days but more time. We are going to try the
Epiphanes Wood Finish for build coats on the next boat. This product requires no sanding between coats. We can then use our standard Admirals and Captains varnish for top coating.

On this boat we found this rail damage that has to fixed before proceeding. I think we will need to run a sharp saw down the kerf to clean it out before trying to glue this. Glue doesn’t like to stick to old glue and this is obviously a scarf joint gone bad.

Willy has been putting his new battery meter to work a lot this spring – he loves his toys!
Anything Can Happen Friday
Under the category of Gee I never knew that, April 20 is an
unofficial counter-culture holiday where people get together and smoke pot. Am I getting older?

A sad day yesterday when I learned of the
death of Levon Helm of The Band. He has been battling throat cancer for several years and it had gone into remission for a while but evidently reared it’s ugly head again. Kevin and I are both big on The Band so I will be playing a lot of that today. Am I getting older?