Quite the rain we had yesterday – an ALL DAY affair, although that was better than having it today. I had forgotten I had my annual physical this morning until I found the message on my phone Friday evening. That’s the problem with making an appointment a year in advance. Maybe someone could remind me next year that I have an appointment on March 9th!
My photos are “ground shots” today. This whole winter may seem a bit repetitious this year but here we go again with more windows – back to the Eastbay with the curved windows.

There is always quite a bit of clean up on the frames after they are removed. If you eliminate this step, you will never get the window to seal properly. As you can see, Kevin make it back from Florida where he boasted of sun, warmth and more sun.

Since we are seeing a lot of sales activity with the weather breaking, we are trying to keep all the boats for sale in tip-top viewable condition which means Carlos is a “washing machine”!

Work also continues on the varnish stripping. Spring always means tons of varnish work and this year is no different.