Typical Grand Banks Repairs
All boats, even the high quality Grand Banks have predicted repairs that need to be made and it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Grand Banks Lazarette Hatches
The lazarette hatches on Grand Banks are subject to water penetration. We see it all the time. We have developed ways to draw the moisture out and reseal but we often recommend building new hatches. These hatches are complicated construction with plywood inner core, fiberglass shell, teak decking, caulking, screws and hardware; lots of places to keep watertight.

Grand Banks Swim Platforms
We see damaged swim platforms on Grand Banks a lot. We can repair minor damage but recommend replacement for major damage. Our replacements are much better made and sturdier than OEM.

Grand Banks Mast Painting
All painted aluminum will eventually corrode. Masts and booms are especially prone since they have holes bored for electronics and brackets that allow water to penetrate. We paint lots of masts every year.

Grand Banks Deck Repairs and Removal
Teak decks are nice when they look good and function like they are intended but like all other parts of your boat they require maintenance and once they have gone too far will need to be serviced. See Teak Deck Repairs or Removal in our Service Log.

Other Periodic Grand Banks Services
- Window Frame Painting
- Exhaust Hose Replacement
- Cutlass Bearing Replacement
- Soundown Coupling Maintenance
- Engine Mount Replacement
- Teak Deck Repairs or Removal
- Keel Repairs
- Fuel Tank Cleaning and Inspections
- Fuel Tank Repair or Replacement
- Waste Hose Replacement
- Headliner Replacement
- Fiberglass and Gelcoat Repairs
- Door and window Rot Repair
- Groco Strainer Rebuilding
- Routine Engine Maintenance
- Wiper Motor Repair or Replacement
- Lazarette Bulkhead Tabbing Repair
Suggested Grand Banks Upgrades
- Convert teak handrails to stainless steel
- Install adequate engine room lighting
- Install Vacuflush or Lectra/san Head system
- Remove old teak decks and paint with Awlgrip
- Install Floscan Fuel Monitor System
- Swim Platform Replacement
- Fuel hoses upgraded
- Bow Thruster Installation
- Oil Change Pump System
- Salt or Fresh Water Wash down System
- Air Seps
- Small upgrades that make a big difference
Custom Grand Banks Enhancements
- Engine Room Makeover
- Flybridge Hardtop
- Boom Dinghy Hoist
- Grand Banks Swim Platform Davits
- Boarding Access Widened
- Grand Banks Teak Sun Deck