
I don’t really have anything to post today. With the rush off to the Trawlerfest and no one here today except 1 guy and myself — and he is working on John’s Mercedes. Everyone else…


All the boats have made it to the show which starts today. We had a whirlwind of activity yesterday but were able to complete everything we needed to make it happen. We did have a…


It’s all about TrawlerFest and we are going in full frenzy mode today. Lots of details to attend to and only a short time to complete them all. Still, moods seem to be pretty good…


The gorgeous weather should stick with us at least until Friday — with rain projected just in time for Trawlerfest! Don’t let a little rain deter you from finding a great bargain. We launched two…


I almost missed my short day on Friday – I ended up getting off at 3 instead of about 11 when I had planned on leaving. I have nothing to base this on, but I…


I’m not quite here alone — Kevin is out doing some grinding while Angus is not varnishing. Sometimes jobs conflict such as grinding fiberglass on a boat next to another getting paint or varnish work.…


We will be closed tomorrow for all intents and purposes — except for me of course. I’ll be in most of the morning. John is off to the races but I’m sure I’ll hear something…


Wow did we ever have a “significant weather episode” yesterday — well several actually. The last occurred while I was out walking the dog where I got totally soaked due to my inability to see…


It’s a BLUSTERY day today and as describes it : “a potentially significant severe weather episode“. Fortunately we are all working inside today so it shouldn’t effect us too bad. I may have to…


Well, we’re half way through September and the winter season is quickly approaching. I have started sending out contracts for winter storage but if you can’t wait, drop me an email at and I’ll…