
Still sunny and cold with a 90% chance of rain tomorrow. My bones long for temperatures in the upper 60’s. I was lucky to beat the rain since I had some fencing on order and…


Well, I wasn’t wrong (at least weather.com wasn’t wrong) about the snow on Sunday – we did have it but it was gone by lunchtime. The cold front that brought it in is supposed to…

Friday At Last

Sunny and Cold today. I was informed that it was going to snow on Sunday and had to have outside confirmation – and weather.com verified it.  Just as I thought it was safe to go…


Oh what a nasty day it is – cold, damp, overcast and dismal. This would be a good day to lay in bed with a good book on your kindle and a good cup of…


The cooler weather has returned and it is very overcast with the threat of storms. I really don’t need any more email telling me it’s 80 degrees where you are (you know who you are…


Things are looking good for today weather-wise. In fact I had to grab my sunglasses to drive this morning. I assume we are still expecting rain tonight and thunder showers tomorrow but for day we…


It’s Finally Friday and oh what a Friday it is with highs in the 70’s today! I almost feel bad about having to leave early to get my last X-ray (almost). My guess is that…


Yesterday the sun came out after lunch and it got quite beautiful and today should be more of the same.  People are actually calling to discuss their boats now that the boating season is in…

Wet Wednesday

They weren’t wrong about the rain, it’s fairly wet outside right now with more to come. I was up pretty late watching old episodes of Gunsmoke while setting up my awesomely fast new laptop. Consequently…