
For those of you looking for good home town entertainment, the Trappe Carnival starts tonight. I go over for Ron’s Pit Beef and then go home – that’s how entertaining it actually is! In the…

Summer Solstice

It’s the longest day of the year – but still only 8 hours of it is at work so it’s a good thing! Looks like we could have some more rain today, it is very…

Moist Monday

We are having a good “crop rain” today. After the storm we had the other night, this seem pretty mild. Friday about 7:30 we had a tornado come through. The winds and rain were actually…

It's Friday - FANTASTIC

It has been a very productive week but thank goodness it’s over. The shafts and couplings we have been waiting for, for what seems like forever, finally got done and we rushed over to Delaware…


We had wee little rain drops this morning and do have a 40% chance of thunderstorms and for the rest of the week but still cool temperatures today which makes everyone happy.  It does look…

Mid Week Pick Me Up

Another beautiful day here in paradise. Still a lot going on and much to accomplish. We will be starting a couple of deck jobs when things get caught up a bit and perhaps another headliner…


People asked me this morning why I was in a foul mood despite the fact that it it GORGEOUS outside. I think that may be why. I almost abandoned the daily blog this morning but…

Mild Monday

We have been on a roller coaster with the weather. We are at the very bottom today with very mild temperatures and quite a bit of breeze. It should mellow out for the rest of…

Fried Day

Yesterday was BRUTAL. Before lunch it was over 100 degrees outside. Thankfully we had a thunderstorm come through last night which should bring us down to the high 80’s today.  I never saw anyone flare…


Already hot and it’s only going to get hotter – it’s already about 90. I almost feel guilty about sitting in the air conditioning while the crew is out working although I assume they will…