
Still mild temperatures after a spectacular (for January) weekend. It was a bit wet but very warm. The deck job will most likely be finished before we have to cover the boat to finish the…


I’m back today and have to say that being at the hospital was only minimally better than being at work but I still feel a bit wambly. And although the temperatures are more agreeable today,…


Just a brief post today about the trials and tribulations of removing a mast that is highly corroded.  We have tried heat, corrosion buster, lubricants and that puppy won’t move. It is time to get…


It was nice having a day off yesterday — but much too cold for me to leave the house. We should see a high in the upper 20’s today – the proverbial heat wave. Right…


Everyone made it back today. Warmish today – only wet. We did have snow on Friday and many places locally were closed – as were we since most of us planned on being off any…

Happy Holidays

I’m about 3 days into my 2 week+ vacation and lovin’ life. Just want to thank the regular readers and the new ones who drop in. Since I am not at work I can put…


We are doing last minute preparations for the extended vacation so nothing of real interest that would make good blog reading so today I think it is ACH day all the way around. In case…


Almost the end of the year for working. I understand we may be closed for two weeks beginning tomorrow afternoon and back the first Monday after the New Years. That’s a splendid holiday season!  Looks…


Well, we got hit with the white stuff last night and yes, it is cold — but we can look forward to some 60 degree weather over the weekend. Maybe you could get another cruise…


Time is moving quickly apace! Are you got your last minute shopping done? I have since my wife and I stopped exchanging gifts. We both just buy what we want when we want it so…