
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Personally I got a bit too much sun but my tan is looking good! Everyone found themselves back into work today after an unauthorized day off Friday. If…

Blue Flu?

Only one other guy came in today. No one told John they weren’t coming in so he was dismayed to find no one here – especially since he came here for a change. I’m kind…


This should be mid week since I am off tomorrow and Thursday. I’m thinking I should just stay home on Friday and call it a week but I guess that wouldn’t be prudent at this…


The first day of July has arrived with yet another rainy day. I don’t ever recall this much rain in June and believe me, I have been around a while. We do have a day…

Finally Friday

Another muggy day here in paradise. One would have thought we would be caught up by now since in the the very tail end of June but we still have a lot to do before…


Still dodging the storms, still plenty to do. I’m feeling a bit uninspired recently blog-wise but I’ll try to get more creative soon. At least it is a fast read these days! Electronics were the…


We are still ducking the thunderstorms – under the radar so to speak. John seems to spend all his time over in Oxford tending to the Burger. If you need to contact him, the phone…


It’s starting out as a beautiful day but they are predicting thunderstorms almost everyday this week. Still the same three projects going on over here and of course, the Burger 85 sitting over in Oxford.…


We had an unexpected rainy day yesterday but it is bright and sunny this morning. We are starting off the day getting a boat out of the building to get launched later today. There are…


Another beautiful day. We did launch 2 boats yesterday and more to come today. This afternoon’s launch is a GB 36 Europa. They were finishing up the bottom paint to get it ready for today’s…