
Well no one passed out yesterday but they’ll have another opportunity today.  Maybe if someone passes out they can leave for the day? If so, I want to spend some time out there too —…


Another hot one — to be followed by more just like it.  Deadlines approaching. Humors declining. Kevin is hot on the bow thruster job (see how I worked that it?) Of course the grinder went…


Hot again. I had a lot of photos from yesterday but had to cull them out to a reasonable number for the blog today. As I said the owner of the 42 brought in new…


The heat is on the rise this week. It is also the impossible goal week — that should set everyone on edge. Some of the crew worked on the 42 over the weekend. It is…


I just can’t believe it’s raining yet again — and not just a drizzle, I’m talking real rain. It may just rain all summer but at least  the corn is getting tall around here.  My…


I thought we were over with the rain but it is back and has been coming down steady for hours. Could this really be July? Yesterday the Amazon deal of the day was a Canon…


The sun came back – with a vengeance. It is nice to not be in the dark all day though (well sort of). Things are moving rapidly apace now on the 3 boats in the…


Overcast and humid. We are getting down to the wire on the last 3 projects going on right now and I understand the engines for the Little Harbor 55 are scheduled to arrive soon so…


I hope everyone had a good weekend. Personally I got a bit too much sun but my tan is looking good! Everyone found themselves back into work today after an unauthorized day off Friday. If…

Blue Flu?

Only one other guy came in today. No one told John they weren’t coming in so he was dismayed to find no one here – especially since he came here for a change. I’m kind…