You bet it is going to be hot today – it was 85 at 8:00 this morning with no where to go but up. John alluded to closing early today because of that but the
allusion could be illusion. We’ll see. All I know for sure is that cold beer is in the cards for me this afternoon – and probably all weekend!
We worked diligently to get the Bristol Skiff ready for the customer to pick up today but I found out this morning that due to a cruise on his MJM 40 he will not be able to pick it up until Wednesday. Imagine that, we’re done a project early. The bottom got one coat of Pettit primer, a coat of a hard bottom paint and a top coat of Hydrocoat ablative paint. Since it was still gelcoat and had never had bottom paint, we had to do a fair amount of sanding first.

We got it back on the trailer first thing this morning and got the engine back on. We’ll just roll it out into the big building to free up the tent while we finish the boot on the other boat in there.

The big rush is to get the Legacy into the tent where we can get it painted and ready to sell. My guess is that it will end up in front of the Oxford office.

And speaking of the parking lot in front of the Oxford office, the Albin 28 was being put on a trailer this morning to head over there. Being a holiday week, there should be quite a bit of traffic in Oxford for the fireworks and the questionable good times that the town is known for.

The transmission was getting the final coat of paint this morning so it can get put back in the Legacy. This was a different kind of paint that was provided by the transmission shop than we usually buy. It had awesome coverage for that type of part and will bear further investigation.
Anything Can Happen Friday
The Marine Traffic Project
Look to see what kind of traffic is reported in any boating area at any time. Here is what they have to say in the FAQ on the site.
About the Marine Traffic project

This web site is part of an academic, open, community-based project. It is dedicated in collecting and presenting data which are exploited in research areas, such as:
– Study of marine telecommunications in respect of efficiency and propagation parameters
– Simulation of vessel movements in order to contribute to the safety of navigation and to cope with critical incidents
– Interactive information systems design
– Design of databases providing real-time information
– Statistical processing of ports traffic with applications in operational research
– Design of models for the spotting of the origin of a pollution
– Design of efficient algorithms for sea path evaluation and for determining the estimated time of ship arrivals
– Correlation of the collected information with weather data
– Cooperation with Institutes dedicated in the protection of the environment
It provides free real-time information to the public, about ship movements and ports, mainly across the coast-lines of many countries around the world. The project is currently hosted by the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS). We are constantly looking for partners to take part in the community. They will have to install an AIS receiver and share the data of their area with us, in order to cover more areas and ports around the world.
Visit the site here.
Just For Fun
…because I’ve always been a Poco fan!