
As a prelude to heavy rain tomorrow, we have moved a couple of boats we need to work on to drier locations – specifically the boat that is leaving later this week. The prediction is dire for tomorrow so we have to put off the launch by a day.  Our canvas expert, Steve Price, drove up in his new Scion this morning which he boasts of 37 mpg. It just seemed odd after seeing him in the same company truck for all these years. If this were yours… If your boat were for sale, what do you think the chances of a reasonable sale be if you had an engine room like this? The engine has been serviced as is evidenced by the tags but looks sadly neglected. There is very inadequate lighting and the engine room in general seems shabby.  It is a good idea to take care of the cosmetics a bit every year so it is not a daunting task when the time comes to sell. Spanking New Product Our Pettit rep was in yesterday and was actually excited about a new product. As he said, “it’s hard to get excited about bottom paint” but this product is so different it is exciting. It is the Pettit Ultima Eco – which is a copper-free ablative paint. (notice the lead-in from yesterday’s post!) This can be used on outdrives, jet drives, aluminum boats and does just as well as copper based paints on fiberglass boats. It also is compatible with any paint you may now have (with the exception of vinyl based paints). More information on this product can be found on the Pettit web site. You can also read about how this paint works. The link is hard to find on their site, so here is a direct link.