
Rain, rain, go away!  It has been on and off and will continue to be so. Sorta puts a damper on anything we need to do outside — as soon as you get set up to do a job, here comes the rain again. There has been several jobs going on in Oxford and as usual I don’t have any photos and very little details except what I can glean off of time sheets. Fortunately we do have some work going on over here that I can loosely document. The deck renovation seems to go on and on just like the energizer bunny but it is starting to look pretty good now.


It was suggested that I move somewhere else to take the photo above by some who obviously doesn’t know me!

I wonder who will actually finish this?

Meanwhile, below the deck level Carlos seems to be the lone ranger on completing the bottom job. We were able to get the first layer of bottom paint on. For this job we used the Interlux 2000 barrier coat / primer with Fiberglass BottomKote for the hard paint. With that on, we can use any ablative top coat we want – and we want Pettit Hydrocoat. This coat will be green and evidently the boot top is going to be painted.

Roll on big mama

They did go out in the rain and blast the bottom of the Legacy 28. Hell, if you’re gonna get wet any way, you may as well work in the rain.

Too dumb to come in out of the rain

CC: There was a Volvo recall notice on something or other – I believe it was exhaust related and even though it was suggested that I put in the blog, I don’t really have any details – but they did give me pictures of something.

Mystery Photo

Where Are They Now

The nice folks who bought Consiglia (the 42 that we put new fuel tanks in last fall) dropped me a note about their trip.

We arrived back on Memorial Day, which turned out to be the only nice day of the trip (for weather). On Thursday they closed the Erie canal, temporarily, for high water. We saw a lot of wind, rain and fog. There was even a little snow one day.  When we made it to Amsterdam, NY it was quite cold.  Just north of us they had 3″ of snow, not a typical spring in NY.   We hope to do the reverse trip someday when we can see something, and at a little slower pace. 

Peter and Mary on Consiglia

And Just a Random Thought

Somebody right now is doing something stupid – I don’t care what time you are reading this rest assured it is still true.