
A bit ‘o sun makes jolly good fun. That’s my poem for the day, but enough fun now — we are at work you know. The caulk just arrived for the deck job on the Eastbay 43 — and not a moment too soon since Rumsey was agog with anticipation and couldn’t contain himself. Notice how we have each seam taped off to avoid getting the black into the neighboring wood.

Please go to work now

The children are down in the engine room of a GB42 with their little heater and a lot of radio. Neither of them wear a watch and I had to go find them at closing time yesterday. If I hadn’t they may have stayed a few extra hours and made more headway on the project:)

Comfortable Carlos

The outboard side of these engines are a bit worse than the inboard side because, you know, you can’t see it!

outta sight, outta mind

Kevin is really focused on the Legacy now. The primer for the hull came in this morning but he still has a bit of work to complete before the initial spray. The hull gouges have been rough filled and sanded and are ready for a smoothing coat. This is not body filler that we use, but a polyester resin filler that has better adhesion than automotive products that are not meant for fiberglass work.

almost smooth

To effect the repair on the rail, he needs to have a smooth area to lay the new glass on. The solution was to slip a small piece of formica under the flange with double-sided tape. When he is done he can just pull the formica out and have a new flange as strong as the missing part.

The missing link