
It’s a BLUSTERY day today and as weather.com describes it : “a potentially significant severe weather episode“. Fortunately we are all working inside today so it shouldn’t effect us too bad. I may have to bring my dog back to work later — he is petrified of thunderstorms and they are looming around us. The Eastbay 49 is still in full motion back there. The generator is almost ready to put a done stamp on with some touch up painting and a few new hoses. We still need to put new insulation in the sound shield but it is ready for that.

We also had to replace the air conditioner compressor. I showed this at some point but here is the old one and the replacement now installed.

And speaking of soundshields, there is another one out in the shop with even worse insulation than the Eastbay had. This one had crumbled so badly we just used a putty knife to scrape it all out. Fortunately we always have scraps of Soundown sitting around from jobs that are just right for doing these small jobs. That’s why we throw very little stuff away here (and it shows!)

They are finally spraying the hull on the sailboat today. I caught them in the final wipe-down so it may actually happen today.