
VCD=5wd . We still have half the crew over in Oxford and 2 out on vacation (not me yet) so limited content once again. Pat did bring the seat base over from Oxford since it is easier to work here where all his tools are. The owner wanted to have 3 fixed positions for the chair so we are drilling stop settings into the tube.


He and Rumsey were rounding up parts for the Jet Drives — some of which were still in the paint tent from the paint work we did on them many moons ago.


We also got the newly insulated engine hatch back on the Legacy. This pretty much ends the work on this boat. I’ve gotten quite used to seeing it around so I’ll miss it when it’s gone but I’m sure the owner would like to be actually using it.


I did happen to notice a bird party going on up on the wind vane of a sail boat outside the door. When one took off another would come and take its place so there must be a fixed number of attendees at this party. I’m sure there are parting gifts at the base of the mast.