
The first day of July has arrived with yet another rainy day. I don’t ever recall this much rain in June and believe me, I have been around a while. We do have a day off this week and personally I have Wednesday off as well to take my son over to the train station. So that makes one of those short weeks I am so fond of! We started off the day by sanding some masts that are to be painted for the GB42. Fortunately there wasn’t enough corrosion to justify totally stripping them down.

Short and shorter

That was the only work I could actually catch this early on a Monday morning. There is a lot of other less than photo-worthy stuff going on. Friday however was action-packed as Fridays normally are. We did get the rest of the hardware on the Legacy – including the freshly sanded swim platform.

New teak?

This photo was taken before the final coat of bottom coat. I wish I had gotten a photo while the sun was shining but today we have that liquid darkness going on and it gives a night time effect in the building.


Also on Friday we had the mast and console arrive which was cut off the Burger 85.


Our last job for the day was to offload this stuff. You can barely see the console peeking up over the top of the truck bed. Both these parts are HEAVY. We though we could slide the console out but it just wouldn’t budge so we got the equipment into the mix.

artistic lighting?

And here is what a whole lot of money can buy:
