
Well, we’re half way through September and the winter season is quickly approaching. I have started sending out contracts for winter storage but if you can’t wait, drop me an email at and I’ll move yours up in the queue.  We have only made one change to our pricing structure this year. For fully enclosed buildings we are charging an extra $1 per foot. They are definitely a step up but harder to get boats into so we feel the cost is justifiable since we have not raised any of our other rates in — I can’t remember when.  If you haven’t stored with us before just contact us and we can give you an estimate for your boat. And speaking of winter, we have two boats in here now which are ready for winter. One is the little Chaparall that stored with us last year. We are going to go ahead and do the oil change and winterize that boat today to get us behind us. Any that come in early help to ease the burden later in the season when we have 7–8 coming every weekend. Evidently the Shields Nationals begin this Wednesday up in Massachusetts so John took his boat up this weekend after a bit of bottom work.  I can assume he will be out of the office from Wednesday on so if you have any pressing stuff to go over with him, you better strike while the iron is hot. We have a new slip client with an old Pearson 22. She had wanted a price on re-coring the deck up forward near a stanchion. Why pay more for the repair than the boat is worth? We convinced her to put a temporary patch in that area and use the boat to find out if it is right for her. And as we know, there’s nothing so permanent as a temporary solution. Carlos is starting out the day polishing a J boat that the owner is finally getting around to taking. Of course any earlier wouldn’t have been much for sailing  – late September and October is perfect.