
We started out with some rain early today but it is proving to be a beautiful day now. We got a lot done with our skeleton crew on Friday. Everyone is back to work today and things should be as normal as they ever get around here. The big push is still on the Eastbay and GB42 which is scheduled to leave mid week.  A few last minute projects to do on it and of course totally rebuilding the EB takes quite a bit of time. The lesson I learned is to not schedule any work at all myself – evidently that is frowned on. Friday was devoted to the swim platform for the most part. Wayne got our extension built in time for us to play with it. Isai did the final sanding. We spent more time on the brackets on this platform than we usually spend painting a normal bottom. I’m sure the fish will appreciate it. The hydraulic lift worked exactly as predicted. It is operated by a hand held switch that can be unplugged and stored inside (or dropped overboard). And new head hoses always look nice even it they are not ready to be replaced. Errata I stand corrected on yesterday’s post. John-Baptiste day is not a national holiday. My bad!