Hot Thursday

It is going to be brutal today! Well not compared to what is in store but compared to what we have had so far it is a shock. The only high point is that we are on the count down to a long weekend (well, another long weekend for me).  I can also be thankful that the pool will be warming up now. The mechanics got the new bulkhead mounted muffler/water separator installed yesterday on the 42. This also required the installation of a new seacock and thru-hull. This is the same boat we are doing the bulkhead repair. We are using Coosa to do the repair which is a wise choice since it will last forever without rotting. We made a perfect fitting piece to fill the cut away part and will be lapping another on top to tie them together. The loose tabbing was the giveaway on this problem and we have seen lots of Grand banks with loose tabbing in the lazarette and I advise checking the area closely for rot if you have that problem. We did end up with some work from the new owner of the Island Packet including replacing the cutlass bearing. This was the original bearing and had been in so long it took drastic measures to remove it. The new one is sitting in the freezer for reinsertion later this morning. But the most important thing we did yesterday is install  a new blower motor for my air handler at my house. It would be pretty unbearable without it. It is hard to get an air conditioning place to commit to a repair at this time (plus I probably saved about $300!) Thanks Pat and Chuck. We would also like to thank Zander and Kate from Guildive Cruises who stopped by with beer for the crew yesterday afternoon. Be sure to check out their blog.