Hello Readers!

Welcome to the new Dickerson Boatyard Blog! I have upgraded from the vs software (Very Simple) to a full blown WordPress package. This should allow me to add more and more features to the blog. It will allow larger pictures by clicking on thumbnails, comments made by registered viewers, videos of the projects going on, searches for specific items, and the list goes on. There will sometimes be more than one post per day if I am outlining a specific project. This should help with the searching. The old blog will always be available.  Unfortunately there is no way to import the old postings. If you ever want to go back and look the address is http://oxfordyachtagency.com//service/yardblog.php (there is also a permanent link under quick links in the menu). I will be changing the theme and look of the blog as time goes by.  Remember you must register to leave a comment. Have fun! Added: 12/21/10 Discussion Forums Feel free to discuss items that are mentioned in the blog. We should also have John and others answer questions and field problems that you may have on your boat. Also requires registration! Access via very top menu of the page or to the right under “Other Pages” menu. Another feature is the ability to enlarge the photos. In fact, clicking one brings up a slide show of that posting’s photos.