10190I may or may not be here today — I tried a feature I had plugged into this software to post at a specific time so even if I weren’t here, today’s posting would be — pretty techy, eh? It was suggested Thursday morning that I go to Oxford to take pictures of what was going on — maybe someone read my blog posts for the week? I did get to spend some quality time there and while I made some suggestions, no one was actually interested in deviating from specific instructions. (Just like being here)  So here are the results of what was really going on in Oxford all week. The dock boards are now straightened to my satisfaction. I understand that it was common knowledge (to other people) they would have to come back up to get electric and water where it needed to go. Thank goodness for deck screws!


There were putting in the last of the pedestals on the docks. These are nice units as they have electric, water and dock lights all built in. Certainly an improvement over the boxes we had nailed to the pilings before.


I can see the electrician has been doing his thing, I a mean a REAL commercial electrician, not a boat electrical guy!


Further down in the picture above, to the left we are now upgrading that shorter piece of dock. I would assume this will be a transient or temporary dock space since it is out of the flow of the rest of the marina.


From here, the line up of boats looks pretty impressive – there are some really nice boats in here.


Rumsey showed me that the water was actually working in the pedestals. He seemed pretty pleased with himself.


They are also prepping the trim on the building for a fresh paint job — which it has needed for some time. The second color is where it was primed. The rumor mill alludes to green trim — but I hope that’s not true. I put this in my paint program and painted it green and it just didn’t work (for me)! The green below is actually primer — I think.


We did do something in Trappe on Thursday — we launched Sponge Bob so John could race this weekend.


Update to Yesterday’s Posting

I was alerted by a reader that GB Beacon is now back online. I don’t know if it was a temporary glitch but it hasn’t been up for a while. Take advantage while you can!