Countdown Complete

I’ll be out of here by noon! I was almost too swamped to do the blog today but I just couldn’t not do it even if my noon deadline has to be extended by a bit. We’ll see! I don’t know if I’ll be able to find internet access down in Chincoteague but hopefully I can post something during the week. I don’t think anyone here could handle doing this while I am gone. The weather looks like it will be cooperative for next week as well – with only one day predicted with a chance of rain. With most people in Oxford yesterday and today I don’t have much to offer today. We did start on the engine room of the Eastbay 49 yesterday with the massive derusting and clean up. Rust – especially on an engine, will kill a boat sale and we just can’t let that happen. We have also learned from experience that surveyor’s will spot a bad hose in the dark. If you have a Grand Banks product pay special attention to Dunlop hoses — we have found that they deteriorate faster than the brands sold here in the US – such as Trident and Shields. Hoses are sometimes a pain to get out such is the case on this generator where you have to take half of it apart to get down to the connection — often in the most inconvenient place. We got the window sills painted in the GB42 but I’m not sure we needed another picture of that. The Eastbay 43 left at the end of the day looking good and moving with the right power after putting the old props back on. If you are changing props make sure you have good advice. Using the wrong props or improperly pitched props won’t do your boat any favors. Both refrigeration installations will be done early today but once again I have no photos. I did text the mechanic and asked him to at least get a shot on his phone but he didn’t get the text until he got back here. We are also doing a few other jobs over there today such as new bowl seals on a Vacuflush. Anything Can Happen Friday New from Blue Seas I wanted to go out on a bang but time just doesn’t permit it. Instead I will offer up a couple of new products the Fawcetts Rep introduced me to today. The first is a nifty little waterproof USB connector that looks exactly like one the 12V receptacles. This would be very handy if you use an Ipad or want to charge your phone while out on the water. The price is right too! Buy it at Amazon and help fund my retirement! Cure the Funk Rob also showed me a new product that has had great success in odor elimination – Kanberra Gel. He reports the people who he has sold to immediately ordered more. Of course, he’s a salesman so mileage may vary. Also available at Amazon (gotta love those guys!) See You When I Return httpv://