VCD =<4WD I was out taking photos today and the battery in the camera finally died. I have been using the same charge since I got the camera and I now use it 7 days a week since I take it out to the shop on weekends. Now to see how long it takes to charge it up again. But I was able to get some photos. Early morning lift work — John takes the reins of the travel lift to launch the Albin 28 for another sea trial with the buyer and surveyor.


Right before the launch he shows them the items that were fixed from the original survey and goes over some of the systems with the owner.


Over on the GB46 we have some different projects going on – one starting today. The owner wanted a little sink up on the flybridge — right in the console? Pat was laying this out when I was out there. I managed to get one photo taken before the battery died which at least shows the hardware he will be using and the general vicinity.


The Legacy 34 finally left on Saturday, late afternoon even though I was told it was leaving in the morning. In any event it is gone and looked pretty good on the trailer when I passed it that evening on the road. Personally, you know where I spent my weekend — out in the wood shop. I am setting up a blog for that on my site and it should be ready by the end of the week. Here is one of the projects I was working on this weekend. I had this idea to have an overhang on the top of a bowl. Cutting below that turned out to be very time consuming but worth the effort I think.
