There is no chance of missing the rain today. It has been coming down quite smartly for most of the morning with a 70% chance of rain all day –
I’d buy more lottery tickets with those odds! A few jobs will be held up but most of the work we have going on is still in the buildings. It is a bit chilly and very damp which does dampen spirits (there I go again!) Going out to take photos just plain made my bones ache.
Still plenty of varnishing and compounding going on as is expected all through the spring – this year and as long as I can remember. I call this
bread and butter work.

There is much
more polishing on a Europa than on a Classic Grand Banks. In addition to fashion plates there is a lot of overhead that needs to be done. This is tiring work.

When a windlass begins having erratic action, you can usually check the solenoid first as that controls the motor and if it is not working right you will have
erratic action. This is what we found on this Tiara. You can see the evidence of rust on the inside of the cover (I didn’t get to go down into the boat to shoot the part).

We finally got back on the engine reinstallation in the Beneateau. We got side tracked during the heavy schedule we had the past two weeks but this job has to get done now. You can see the revamped mounts and the new mounts installed as well as the engine brackets that have been
rust proofed and painted.

If you are bored by the rain, I got an email yesterday with a link to some
yachting games and simulators at the
Boats US site. You may want to spend a little time until you can get back out again.