They weren’t wrong about the rain, it’s fairly wet outside right now with more to come. I was up pretty late watching old episodes of Gunsmoke while setting up my
awesomely fast new laptop. Consequently I’m just a bit sluggish this morning since I still woke up at the standard 6 am (well, 5:45 actually).
The work load is just starting to look daunting at this point with plenty of bottom work, polishing and varnish to do. Fortunately we got a good start on repairs and upgrades so it is just standard maintenance that will be jamming us up (isn’t that always the case!)
Jen has moved on to another boat for varnish work. The crew is still stripping the 46 GB so she is throwing on a couple of coats of varnish on this Blackwater 29 which just went to contract.

Our replacement tank came in for the Seaward water heater yesterday. We wasted no time getting it back inside the cover and taking up to the boat because frankly, we were tired of walking around it!

And the window work continues. In the photo below, you can see the little jig we made to drill the holes. In the other photo you can actually see why we did it this way – notice how much cleaner the holes are than in the original pieces.