It is another wet day – but hey, at least it’s not snow! With John in Florida all week it has been pretty quiet and uneventful (stress-free). The
phone has not even been ringing and when it has it is for boat sales – which seem to have picked up dramatically over previous years at this time. Maybe the economy is actually picking up finally. We can only hope. In fact John was down in Florida to close a boat deal and will be back tomorrow to close another. We are still looking for more good listings so if you or someone you know is looking for a broker that is actually moving boats – John may be your guy. We just listed a nice Duffy 37 and details should be available maybe next week.

We also have an Albin 28 that may be showing up in a couple of weeks. You may know that we were Albin dealers before the company changed hands and moved a lot of the 28’s through here – each with some customizing which made them perfect Chesapeake boats. This one may be getting a paint job (along with all the other paint jobs we seem to be lining up). Details to follow.
From The Yard
Not much to report today. They got the little engine out of the sailboat and the owner hauled it away in his pick up. I didn’t get any photos because I was wearing my Boat Sales Assistant hat and totally missed it. Also a but of wiring for bow thruster and electronics -which is pretty boring to look at. We did find the root of an electrical problem on one GB. See if you can see the problem in this photo:
Anything Can Happen Friday
Online Resources (you may find handy)
Just a Cool Product for Multi-purpose Fun
Sealander: Swimming Caravan Traverses Land & Water Alike
A hybrid mobile trailer, mini-home and motorboat, this ingenious portable space has gotten off the ground quickly (and literally).
See this vehicle here.