We still have half the crew over in Oxford today. We are still enjoying beautiful fall weather although it looks like a few days of rain is imminent. I know several boats are coming in before Monday so we will be back in winterizing mode for a while.
The window is back in the 42 now. We did such a nice job with the windows when the boat left I can only hope the repair will be as perfect as the original.

We also got the little runabout done. We did email photos of the tape line to the owner before proceeding – not to animadvert but it just looks wrong! Perhaps if the whole boot was removed it would be better.

Carlos is doing a little paint touch up on a generator in one of the brokerage boats. White engines always show off imperfections easier than the blue, gold or grey ones.

We also try to notice other deficiencies in the engine room while working on something, such as this battery terminal which is on the cusp of being a problem. A little time cleaning will avoid some problems later on.