When the rain comes…. This has put a damper on the day, evidently. On the other hand it should be nice fall weather after today – just in time for me to take a little trip up to Lancaster for the weekend. PA is nice in the fall. Don’t look for me on Friday afternoon.
More boats have come in for winter and we started winterizing another yesterday. This GB42 is
listed in our brokerage department and is a real beauty. It will be available for showing from now until spring right here.

We are also doing a service job on an outboard. The boat has been
sitting for quite a while and the gas obviously had gone bad. The impeller had hardened and molded to a shape that wouldn’t allow it to pump water any more. And of course filter changes and new lower unit oil are a given.

The little Neptune we are putting the bottom paint on has had a heavier engine put on it and it now
sits pretty low in the stern. We had to relaunch the boat to establish the water line. The bottom paint will now end up going over the boot top tape.

We also got the frame work painted to reinstall the tanks in the GB32.