
It looks like smooth sailing the rest of the week and through the holiday weekend weather-wise. In fact, it looks like pool and beer weather to me 🙂 We got just a spit of rain yesterday while 8 miles away in Easton they had the heavy rain that was predicted. I also want to say goodbye to Peter Falk from one of my favorite shows from the past – Colombo. With the GB42 leaving today we can finally get freed up to take on some new tasks. Between that and the Eastbay we have kept everyone busy for weeks now. I also assume the Eastbay will be leaving soon as well. We did have an emergency haulout for one of our regular customers who was heavily barnacled and wanted to use his boat this coming weekend. When I asked him what kind of bottom paint he used, he answered “not much“. A lot of window work was going on in the Eastbay – one task was to pull portlights to ensure no water was getting though? We are also repainting all the window frames. Isai made great progress on the Luhrs 30 bottom work. The underwater metal has been sanded down bare and the epoxy primer applied. He also sanded the shaft back to bright metal to coat it with the same zinc spray we use on the props. One of the last remaining tasks on the GB42 was to install the gas bottle in the seat locker on the flybridge. After installing we realized that with the grate below the lid would not close all the way. Since it was only a minor difference we opted to cut a bit of the bracing out of the lid. The bare wood then was sealed with epoxy to ensure integrity of the water barrier. This will be painted white just when we put the lid on for the final departure.