It looks like the temperatures should be out of the 90’s beginning tomorrow and
a pleasant week end is predicted. We can only hope so – moods decline when it is this hot.
It was especially oppressive for the guy down in the lazarette grinding fiberglass. We did this before it got too hot because if you are sweating, the fiberglass dust will cling to the skin (
as if it doesn’t anyway!)

The white got painted on the boot yesterday and we will be tackling the red today. Tomorrow it gets clear coated.

We spent quite a bit of time dry fitting a
hydraulic dinghy lift system on the Eastbay. It will need to come back off to apply the barrier coat and bottom paint.

They actually got the bow thruster motor and prop installed yesterday, but I got this photo before that happened and have not had a chance to get back out to the boat since. I am expecting some calls and
can’t leave my desk.